Week 4 - Self Study (Simple Game)

Week 4 self-study involved creating a simple game.

In this part, I built upon the environment I created from the last tutorial and my self-study. First, I obtained scripts from Mylo and imported them all into Unity. Then, I followed Mylo's detailed instructions to implement a basic game. Here's a GIF I made showcasing the spawner, player health, and enemy attack mechanics after I finished implementing them.

By following the instructions and revisiting Tutorial 2, I was able to complete this task smoothly. When an enemy collides with the player, the enemy is disabled, and the player loses 1 health point.

Next, I implemented health packs as spherical objects. Using trigger detection and the PlayerHealth script, I made it so that when the player collides with a health pack, their health increases by 1 point. (assuming health packs heal the player)

After completing the self-study portion, I feel confident using UnityEvents. I recognize their value as a flexible tool. UnityEvents allow me to modify event listeners directly in the Inspector, eliminating the need for additional code. Overall, this section has significantly increased my experience with Unity.

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