Game Testing - Check point

Game Testing

Hi guys, this is the last Devlog of "Where is my Spaceship?". Thank you everyone for giving me valuable feedback in the past. During the testing session, I felt very happy to receive very useful advice from everyone. That feedback helped me know about bugs which were still existed in my game. 

I have received many positive comments about the game "Where is my Spaceship?". Most of people find the game to have a moderate level of difficult (not easy and not hard). Regarding graphics, sounds and, animations, there have been various opinions, but the majority are good, which makes me very happy. The game's movement of this game has received  8 rate including 4 average, 3 good and 1 excellent, along with feedback related to the game's movement. I received some positive feedback about game's movement such as "Double jump and dashing is fun to do", "The movement felt great and fluid". In addition, the next is Enemy, Enemy looks like the assessment I received different opinions with 4 votes for good, 3 votes for average and 1 for poor. In general, most of the feedback regarding enemies suggested adding some more enemies, and an opinion mentioned that the enemies are quite challenging to defeat. Additionally, one player has identified some issues with the flying enemy not approaching the player.  After reviewing the feedback and the issues mentioned, I have increased the detection radius for the flying enemy and will consider adding more enemies in the future. 

About bugs and issues while playing, there are some bugs was indicated by player through feedback form. However, most of the bugs related to the character getting stuck in the platformer. To fix this, I have attempted to make adjustments. I have used Box Collider2D instead of Polygon Collider2d, this might make collisions less natural because the platformer in "Where is my spaceship?" is not a square or rectangle. However, this change should help reduce instances of the character getting stuck with the platformer. 

From the feedback, I have made several adjustments to the game to make it more appealing and have also fixed some unexpected bugs. I hope these changes will attract more players to the game. Please feel free to let me know your thoughts or any further feedback to help make the game better

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