Game Concept

Concept statement.

“Where is my spaceship?” is a space-themed game where the player must overcome challenges on a strange planet to help the character find their spaceship. The challenges will be very weird and exciting. The player has to pass obstacles of aliens and defeat all aliens along the way to reach their spaceship. Additionally, there will be items along the path, allowing players to increase their score by collecting them.

Concept creation process/area and influences.

This game relied on my favorite about the universal and the beautiful night sky. The idea of this game is inspired by the combination between the series Star Wars and game Mario. The player in this game was inspired by Stormtroopers in the series Star Wars who can use a gun to shooting aliens.

Figure 1: This is the Stormtrooper in the series Star Wars. This character can use guns against enemies in the other planet. (Central Wallpaper, 2011).

In addition, my player can use an axe as well to attack the nearest enemy or destroy specific objects. The inspiration by Master Yoda from the series Star Wars as well. But I don’t have a laser sword like Master Yoda so I think I will use axe instead.

Figure 2: Master Yoda is the master of swords. He used his laser sword to destroy many enemies to save his ideal. (Sujung Kwon, 2019)

Regardless the idea of Where is my spaceship is combination from many games but the mostly come from Super Mario Bros.

Figure 3: This is a imagine fanart space theme of Mario. (Wallhere, 2017)

Super Mario Bros is a very popular game, it is a platform game 2D where the player has to control Mario to avoid obstacles, collect coins on the path and can eat mushrooms on the path to power up on some seconds. With simple gameplay and interesting Mario become famous throughout the world and become a classic game.

Metal Slug is one inspiration for “Where is my spaceship?” as well.

Figure 4: Demonstrate for Metal Slug game interface. ( “Meta Slug II for Android”)

Metal Slug is a video game where the player will control the character to run and gun to destroy enemies and pass obstacles. Metal Slug was released in 1996 as video game but now this game is also known as mobile game. With unique and interesting game play, nowadays, Metal Slug is very famous and has a large fan.

The style game of “Where is my spaceship” is combined from Mario and Metal Slug. Moreover, it comes from my passion regarding the space and the inspiration by the series Star Wars. This game will require player to control Harith who is the main character in the game to avoid obstacles from devil aliens and can use axe or gun to kill aliens. In addition, this game has the function for two players to help characters find their way to the spaceship.

Audience and competitive analysis

The main target audience of this game is teenagers who enjoy playing game after a hard day of studying and working. In addition, children and adults can also play this game for entertainment. “Where is my spaceship?” is a simple game and it is not a simple game. The simplicity lies in its easy-to-play and understandable mechanics, but it’s also laced with a touch of difficulty through continuous challenges, requiring players to carefully control the character to overcome them.

With its high entertainment value, “Where is my spaceship?” will attract players of all ages. And with a 2-player mode, this game will further attract a special group of players who want to play with a partner for their friends. In addition, my game can attract players who have a passion for platform game genre and want to experience a lot of games in this genre.

Moreover, players have to pass 2 levels in order to find the spaceship that will decrease boredom for players and increase the sense of suspense. In general, “Where is my spaceship” has a lot of opportunities for survival as well as considerable development potential.

Game treatment and concept art

The duty of you in this game is looking for your spaceship to go back to the Earth, but there is no path that is easy. Because of your life, you have to survival and against all evil aliens and don’t forget their obstacles. You can use 2-player mode to play or 1 player mode.


In the 25th century, Harith was a famous space traveler. He loved exploring space. During a space exploration, his spaceship has to land on the strange planet because the spaceship needs rest after a long time running in space. Harith with his young energy and passion for discoveries, he walked far from his spaceship, amazed by the sky because of gorgeous night sky with a lot of sparkle and colorful stars. But this planet belonged to unfriendly aliens. He realized this when he met them. He wanted to go back to his spaceship. But it was very far away and full of obstacles and aliens. This is dangerous and only you can help him, don’t worry before going out the spaceship, Harith had prepared a gun and an axe, these weapons can help you against aliens but it is too hard to destroy obstacles by these weapons. Let’s use your careful and details to help Harith survival and find his spaceship.

Play control:

You can use A and D button for moving right and left, W to jump double W for double Jump and press SPACE to shoot and press S to attack. In 2-player mode, player 1 will use the button like 1-player mode and other will use LEFT ARROW to turn left and RIGHT ARROW to turn right, PAGE UP will be used for jump and RIGHT CLICK MOUSE to shoot and ENTER for attack. 

Background and items:

According to the story of “Where is my spaceship”, Harith landed on the beautiful planet which has a beautiful night sky. So, the background will be the beautiful night sky with a lot of stars and 2 moons. The moon will be blue with the light. In addition, it will have some mysterious artifacts that can make this game creepier and more attractive. On the way to find the spaceship, there will be items that you can collect to increase your score.


To find the spaceship, you have to pass all obstacles and aliens. The obstacles can be rolling stones, arrows will be released after 2 minutes, magma river, etc. Furthermore, this game will have weirdo traps like reverse waterwalls or magma rivers. Don’t worry, it is not hard to pass but you need to be careful. 


There are two teams in this game. The first is main character inspired by an astronaut, so they will be dressed in a spacesuit like astronaut. The second team consists of adorable aliens with various shapes and colors. But don’t let that cute appearance fool you, these aliens are actually not friendly at all.


In this game, astronauts are equipped with a gun. The gun can be used to shoot aliens, kill them and progress forward. In addition, the astronauts also carry an axe with them. The axe can be used for destroying arrows if jumping to avoid them in time is not possible.


The player will have 3 lives, if you die 3 times that means you will be lost and start the game again. And your lives are displayed at the top right corner of the game interface and are represented by mini astronaut icons, with each mini astronaut symbolizing one of your lives. In addition, “Where is my spaceship?” also has score system, it will be displayed under your lives, let’s increase it by collecting items on your way.

Check point:

To be the winner, you have to find the spaceship. To find the spaceship, you must overcome all challenges and reach the final point, which is also where the spaceship appears. When you touch the spaceship, you will be the winner.

Concept Art:

Figure 5: This is the illustration that I want for the main character. (Printerest. 2020. “Orange Astranaut Game Asset”).

That is a template of an astronaut with a cute appearance along with a spacesuit that fits the game’s concept, background, and story.

Figure 6: This is the illustration that I want for the player 2 character. (Printerest. 2020. “Strange Astronaut Game Asset”).

It’s also an adorable astronaut image inspired by Cat. With cute characters, the game will have more appeal to everyone.


Figure 7: This is the illustration for the background. (Yuliya Pauliukevich. “Space game background, neon night alien landscape”).

With the strange planet theme, the full stars sky and smaller planets around will be the best background for my game.

Figure 8: This is the illustration for the background in 2-player mode. (Vectorified. 2022).

It’s also the planet has beautiful sky, the full stars on the sky. Having diverse backgrounds will prevent the game from getting boring and enhance the attraction.

Figure 9: This is the illustration for aliens in “Where is my spaceship?”. (Bevouliin. “UFO Game Character Sprite Sheets”).

The cute-shaped aliens will deceive you into thinking they are friendly.

Figure 10: This is the illustration of the possible obstacles in the game, but not all of them. (Codester. “2D Game Obstacles Sprites”).

Figure 11: This is the illustration for the spaceship you have to find to go back to the Earth. (Design Process, 2014).

Figure 12: This is the illustration for coins that you can collect to increase your score in the game. (Koreon. 2018).



Bevouliin. “UFO Game Character Sprite Sheets”.

Central Wallpaper. Nov 6th, 2011. “Stormtroopers Star Wars HD Wallpapers”. <>.

Codester. “2D Game Obstacles Sprites”.

Design Process. 12 Feb 2014. “SpaceShip Sprites”.

Koreon. 2018. “Coin Sprite Sheet”. “Meta Slug II for Android”.

Printerest. 2020. “Orange Astranaut Game Asset”.

Printerest. 2020. “Strange Astronaut Game Asset”.

Sujung Kwon. Sep 24, 2019. “Master Yoda - Star Wars”.

Vectorified. 2022. “1920x1080 Barren Alien World Space Background Cartoon Clipart Vector”.

Wallhere. 03/01/2017. Wallhere.

Yuliya Pauliukevich. “Space game background, neon night alien landscape”.


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Nicely detailed concept document, well done.

Game seems straightforward enough to make, although some functionality like the lava river might prove to be difficult to get right. 

Thank you Lindsay. I will try making the best lava river as possible