Sound and UI

Polish and UI


The fifth devlog of "Where is my spaceship?" is used to introduce about UI. UI is the important part of platform games. In the final version of this game, I added sound and UI in menu scene, setting scene and game level scene. The first is sound, I added some sounds to "Where is my spaceship?". Each scene has a different background sound, in addition, there are some sounds when the character jumps, collects items, eats fruit, and shoots. With various and different sounds in many situations, I am confident that it will help boost the mood for player. The sounds for background are space-theme sounds, sound that evoke a feeling of emptiness in vast space, very suitable for the concept of the game

In menu scene, I used the text with pink color "Where is my Spaceship?". In the main menu there are 4 buttons to determine players into 3 different scene and exit. There are Play, Instruction, Setting and Exit. Each button has been aligned by me with the same X and an equal distance apart in Y.  

The image 1 is the menu of "Where is my Spaceship?"

The second is Instruction, In the instruction, there are some text, that is the instruction and the law of game. In addition, in this scene is also has the button for exit when player has ready for the game and want to exit the instruction scene. There is a title of the scene "Instruction" is at the top of the screen, is yellow and is the largest size. the size of instructions are smaller. 

The image 2 is the instruction scene of "Where is my spaceship?"

The last if Setting scene, The purpose of Setting scene help player to control the volume of the game. There are some text in this scene, the largest text is the title of the scene is "Setting", the smaller is "Volume. In addition, there are a button for exit to the main menu and the slider which help player to control the volume.

Because in this week's devlog, I didn't have enough time to ask for feedback from everyone on Discord, so the devlog has stop here. Thank you for reading

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